Hot / Compression Moulding Machine

PACE Technologies Inc, manufacture 3 different hot mounting / moulding machines catering to varied needs of customers based on

  • Working principle ( pneumatic/ Electro-Hydraulic)
  • No of chambers ( Single / Dual)
  • Manual / automatic operation.



Compression Mounting Presses TERAPRESS 7001B TERAPRESS 7500 TERAPRESS 7700
Force Pneumatic Electro-Hydraulic Electro-Hydraulic
Mold Cylinders Single Single Dual
Mold Assemblies and Spacers TP-7001B molds TP-7500 molds TP-7700 molds

Specifications :

Specifications TERAPRESS 7001B TERAPRESS TP-7500 TERAPRESS TP-7700
Mount size 1 to 2-inch (25-50 mm) 1.25 to 2-inch (32-50 mm) 1.25 to 2-inch (32-50 mm)
Mold Cylinders Single Single Dual
Force Pneumatic Electro-hydraulic Electro-hydraulic
Heater Specification 800 Watts 1000 Watts (110V 15 amp) 1400 Watts (110V 15 amp)
2000 Watts (110V 20 amp) 1400 Watts (22V 7.5 amp)
2000 Watts (220V 10 amp)
Thermostat range Max 575°F (300°C) <392°F (200°C) <392°F (200°C)
Dimensions 13.25 x 16.5 x 19.5-inch 17 x 19 x 20-inch 21 x 18 x 16-inch
(W x D x H) (340 x 420 x 495 mm) (431 x 483 x 508mm) (540x 440 x 410 mm)
Cooling control Manual, temperature, time Manual, temperature, time Manual, temperature, time
Cooling system Water Water Water
Electrical Specifications 110V or 220V 110V or 220V 110V or 220V
50/60 Hz 50/60 Hz 50/60 Hz
Weight 80 lbs (35 kg) 108 lbs (49 kg) 110 lbs (50 kg)
Recirculating Tank (16 gal) with pump (optional) TP-TANK TP-TANK TP-TANK
TP-7500 molds TP-7001B molds TP-7500 molds TP-7700 molds